Schlagwort-Archive: store

our online SHOP is ready to take off

our online SHOP is ready to take off

ATTENTION guys, humans, robots, fans, mum & dad. Our online shop is ready to take off!

We worked hard the last days to make all the functions ready to use. But finally we are 98,731% finished with coding and design all the fucking php and css.

AG-KW Online Shop

The first product to order via the online shop is our OKTAKONTROL. We are still waiting for the metal panels from our manufacturer to prepare the cases, but all other parts are still ready and waiting for their wedding with the finished cases.

So we will probably ship the first units from 21-23th of february 2014. Real photographies of the finished OKTAKONTROL will also follow in the next days.

To order it now and make sure you are one of the first users go to